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Monday - 6:30pm

Tuesday - 6:30pm

Thursday - All Day 

Sunday 10:00am

More classes to

be added on


HYROX only membership is now LIVE!!!

We are now an 

Along side our CrossFit affiliation and weekly CrossFit programme, we are now offering a weekly schedule for HYROX training. 

The aim is to offer a high standard of fitness training at CrossFit Saddleworth / Saddleworth HYROX.

We strongly believe the combination of CrossFit & HYROX caters for all no matter what your goals!

So let us explain...What is HYROX? 

Hyrox is an exciting and intense fitness competition that brings together the best of two worlds: running and functional fitness. In a Hyrox event, participants take on a series of challenging fitness challenges that include running and various functional exercises. These exercises will include movements such as sled pushes, wall balls, burpees, aswell as others.

The goal of Hyrox is to push your physical limits and test your all-around fitness. Participants complete a set number of exercise stations in a specific order, and they run between these stations, making it a true test of endurance and strength. It's a fantastic way to challenge yourself, compete with others, and measure your fitness progress.

Whether you're a seasoned athlete or a fitness enthusiast looking for a new and exciting challenge, Hyrox is an event that can help you take your fitness journey to the next level. So, if you're ready to push your boundaries and experience a one-of-a-kind fitness competition, Hyrox is an event you won't want to miss

You might be thinking - so HYROX is just running? We get it - we've heard it form many of you before now. But it's not just running. There is so much more to it! Here's how we split our weekly programming to ensure you are getting the best all round HYROX program possible 


Strength Focus

On our strength days we we have a mix of race specific as well as accessory movements to help you improve your all round strength for HYROX. Race specific we look at sled push, sled pull, grip strength for farmers carry and then we supplement that with accessory movements such as back squats, pressing movements, core strength and bodyweight control - all of which will improve your all round strength and performance for HYROX and every day fitness.


Threshold Training

On our Threshold training day we look more an the correct type of intensity you need to be working at - specifically looking at the training zones / heart rate percentages. We’ll have days of a longer style workout where we’ll ask you to work and hold at a lower to mid-range training zone. And then we’ll have other days where we’ll work at a higher training zone and a faster pace with intervals or times distances. We encourage those members who have one, to wear their smart watches for these sessions. Not only will it guide you on the right zones to be training at in that session, but it will also teach you about pacing and how your fitness matches up to different training zones. 


Race Specific

Then we have race specific days. So we will look at sessions that carry over specially to the race. For those that don’t know what the race is…..For time you will complete……

1km Run / 1000m Ski-erg

 1km Run / 50m Sled push 

1km Run / 50m Sled Pull

1km Run / 80m Burpee Broad Jumps

1km Run / 1000m Row

1km Run / 200m Farmers Carry /

1km Run / 100m sandbag Lunges

1km Run / 100 Wallballs.

There are different elements we look at when going race specific. Some days we will test a shorter style workout of the above with run and station pairings. Other day’s we may train pre-fatguing the legs before running or working on a machine.

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